How do I delete a log?

On iOS:

There are three ways in which a log can be deleted.

  1. Swiping from right to left over an entry in the 'Logs' screen, like you would to delete an email, will bring up the delete controls.
  2. Press the edit button in the top right of the 'Logs' screen to bring up a delete icon next to each entry. Pressing the delete button next to an entry will allow you to remove it.
  3. Tap the log and press the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

On Android:

There are two ways in which a log can be deleted.

  1. Press the edit (Pencil floating button) button in the top right of the 'Logs' screen to bring up a delete icon next to each entry. Pressing the delete button next to an entry will allow you to remove it.
  2. Tap the log and press the DELETE button in the top right of the screen.
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